vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Code Requests & Support :: > Liking posts?

Liking posts? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 2nd Oct 10 at 9:53am
Is there such a way to like a post? Like next to the Back to Top - Link to Post area is where it can be placed?

It also being anonymous as well, or having the option to show the name on mouse over.

Re: Liking posts? - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 3rd Oct 10 at 9:27pm
Unfortunately, this isn't a code that we can do here, as it will require an external database to store likes etc... {Sad}

Re: Liking posts? - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 4th Oct 10 at 6:45pm
Ahh I see. {Sad}

Maybe if my host isn't down all the time, I could host the DB! I probably still could on a host I know is up 99.9% of the time, but I don't like the 'post to host' sites, so that's one reason why I moved from that one. {Tongue Out}