Hi,I want a code to remove all the gaps on the forum(the white spaces between the user bar,welcome table,menu,and the forums)
URL: thespot.vforums.co.uk
Thank you.
I'm sure you'll find what you need in the code database .
This may be what you are looking for .
http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/board/database/topic/542/ action/view_topic/remove-gap-a bove-welcome-table
Thank you, but there is still a gap there.How can i remove it?
Your welcome .
The only other thing i can see that will do what you want . Put this one above the other one i showed you.
http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/board/database/topic/1368 /action/view_topic/remove-from -menu
I didn't test it but it should remove the gap , between the menu buttons.
Just stick this in your Global Header or Style Sheet
- <style type="text/css">
- <!--
- br { display: none; }
- table br, div br { display: inline; }
- //-->
- </style>
It's not fully tested so let me know how it goes
It kind of worked.The menu is in the middle of the border of the user table,if i could move the menu out of that line that would be great.Thank you.
So you want the menu buttons moved?
- <style type="text/css">
- #welcome_table .menu font {
- position: absolute;
- top: 11px;
- right: 45px;
- }
- </style>
That will work,I didnt even think of using that.Thank you both.
You're welcome.