I tried css but failed. It's either I did it wrong or it can't be done with css.
OK using the same setup as the logo aligning, this should work.
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- document.getElementsByClassName("nav_tree")[0].align = 'center';
- //-->
- </script>
sorry, the code doesn't work.
OK now if its going to work at all, then it will work with one of theses, I''m not suire if the table has to be defined so try both of them and see if they work:
Global Header:
I know the JS was right, so I just hope this css works.
sorry, none of them work.
crap, I wonder if its possible to move the nav tree.. Because that should of worked. and I had even tested a few other ways taht i didnt post and they didn't work either, so edit the threads title and add (Marc) to it and he'll get to it when he can, sorry I tried.
I think it is possible cuz if u could put the nav tree in a table, u probably can center it
thanks for trying!
ya i know, and I even tried to modify the code that put it into a table as well and that wouldnt work either.
You weren't far off with text-align
- <style type="text/css">
- <!--
- #nav_tree {
- display: block;
- text-align: center;
- }
- //-->
- </style>
ah ok, i see what I did wrong
Thanks Ross!