vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Code Requests & Support :: > Board Mod Request

Board Mod Request - Posted By VeaZna (veazna) on 5th Oct 08 at 10:03pm
It would be very helpful if someone coded this for me:


I would like the on/off icons to be merged with the General Talk and description. Thanks! {Smile}

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 6th Oct 08 at 4:02am
{Smile} know this is something i know i can do {Wink} I am the one the coded the template design for the VB Board MOd {Smile} Just give me a little bit. I should have it done for you tomorrow

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By VeaZna (veazna) on 6th Oct 08 at 4:28am
thanks so much! {Smile}

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 7th Oct 08 at 1:32am
{Smile} OK here you go and this one is tested and works perfectly.

Proboards Board Mod: Template Version

Board Listing Templates:
  1. <tr id="board_{board_id}">
  2.     <td class="window1 boardstatus" width="0%" align="center">
  3.         {new_posts}
  4.     </td>
  5.     <td class="window2 boardlisting" width="0%" valign="top">
  6.         <span style="float: left; position: relative;  height: 14px; font-size: 12px;" class="boardtitle">
  7.             {board_name}  
  8.         </span>
  9.         <br style="clear: both;" />
  10.         <span style="float: left; position: relative; width: 70%;" class="boarddescription">
  11.             {board_description}
  12.             {if:sub_boards}
  13.                 <br /><font size="1">Sub-Boards: {sub_boards}</font>
  14.             {/if:sub_boards}
  15.         </span>
  16.             <span style="float: right; position: relative;" class="boardtotals">
  17.             <font size="1">
  18.                 {if:moderators}
  19.                     Led By: {moderators}
  20.                 {/if:moderators}
  21.                 </font>
  22.             </span>
  23.         </span>
  24.     </td>
  25.     <td class="window2 topic" width="4%"{tip}>
  26.         <center>{total_topics}</center>
  27.     </td>
  28.     <td class="window2 post" width="4%"{tip}>
  29.         <center>{total_posts}</center>
  30.     </td>
  31.     <td class="window2 lastpost" width="30%"{tip}>
  32.         <font size="2">
  33.         {ifnot:access}
  34.             {if:member}
  35.                 You do not have permission to view this board
  36.             {/if:member}
  37.             {if:guest}
  38.                 Please <a href="/action/login/">Login</a> to view this board
  39.             {/if:guest}
  40.         {/ifnot:access}
  41.         {if:access}
  42.             {if:last_post}
  43.                 {last_post_time}
  44.                 by {last_post_user}<br />
  45.                 in {last_post_topic}
  46.             {/if:last_post}
  47.             {ifnot:last_post}
  48.                 <center>No recent Posts</center>
  49.             {/ifnot:last_post}
  50.         {/if:access}
  51.         </font>
  52.     </td>
  53. </tr>

Global Footer:
  1. <script>
  2. /*Dwight's Proboards Board Mod
  3. To be used with HTML Templating Part #1
  4. Created By Dwight*/
  6. var fix = {
  7.     d: get('td','tag'),
  8.     init: function(){
  9.         for(a = 0; a < this.d.length - 1; a++){
  10.             if(this.d[a].className.match(/categorytitle/) || (this.d[a].className == "title1" && this.d[a].innerHTML.match(/<b>Sub-Board\sName<\/b>/i))) {
  11.                 var x = document.createElement('tr');
  12.                 var y = document.createElement('td');
  13.                     y.innerHTML = ' ';
  14.                     y.className = 'title1';
  15.                 x.appendChild(y);
  16.                 var y = document.createElement('td');
  17.                     y.innerHTML = 'Board Name';
  18.                     y.className = 'title1';
  19.                 x.appendChild(y);
  20.                 var y = document.createElement('td');
  21.                     y.innerHTML = 'Topics';
  22.                     y.className = 'title1';
  23.                 x.appendChild(y);
  24.                 var y = document.createElement('td');
  25.                     y.innerHTML = 'Posts';
  26.                     y.className = 'title1';
  27.                 x.appendChild(y);
  28.                 var y = document.createElement('td');
  29.                     y.innerHTML = 'Last Post';
  30.                     y.className = 'title1';
  31.                 x.appendChild(y);
  32.                 this.d[a].parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(x, this.d[a].parentNode.nextSibling);
  33.                 this.d[a].colSpan = '5';
  34. if(this.d[a].className == "title1") {
  35. this.d[a].parentNode.style.display = "none";
  36. break;
  37. }
  38.             }
  39.         }
  40.     }
  41. };
  42. fix.init();
  43. </script>

No Editing Needed {Smile}

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By VeaZna (veazna) on 7th Oct 08 at 1:49am
Thanks for the code! {Smile}

Even though it wasn't exactly what I wanted, but still, Thanks! {Smile}

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 7th Oct 08 at 1:53am
wait oops, i'll fix it it forgot the second part or your request, i'll do that right now

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By VeaZna (veazna) on 7th Oct 08 at 1:57am
u don't have to, I'm happy how the way it is {Grin}

Re: Board Mod Request - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 7th Oct 08 at 2:00am
OK well if you say so, but if you change your mind please let me know right away. I'll be working on it just in case you change your mind.