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[F] Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 26th Feb 08 at 3:55am
this may be a odd request... can someone please strip this code apart, or make one that does that i want?

  1. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  2. // Advanced Affiliates Viewer v1 by Chris
  3. // Do not redistribute without permission
  4. function Affiliate(a,b,c){ c = (c?c:"Affiliate Site"); affil.push([a,b,c]); } var affil = [];
  6. // Edit here
  7. var yourBanner = "http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Pokemon/pokemonaffilaite.png"; // URL of your mini-banner
  9. // Random display options
  10. var show = 10; // The number of affiliates to show if random is on.
  11. var rand = "no"; // Put "Yes" to display random affiliates. Put "No" to not. If "No" then it'll display all affiliates.
  12. var showAll = "Yes"; // Put "Yes" for a link to display all affiliates. Putting "No" will not show this link.
  14. // Movement settings
  15. var mov = "Yes"; // Put "Yes" if you would like the affiliates to move. This'll also add buttons on the left and right side to change the speed/direction.
  16. var staDir = "left"; // This is the direction the affiliates will move. Only "left" or "right" will work.
  17. var spe = 5; // The moving speed of the affiliates at the start.
  19. // Display properties
  20. var headImg = "http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Dont%20removm/phoenixbaseyq4.png"; // Enter the URL of the head image. Leave blank if there isn't one.
  21. var footImg = "http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Dont%20removm/phoenixbaseyq5.png"; // Enter the URL of the base image. Leave blank if there isn't one.
  22. var cellClass = "catbg"; // Enter the class of the bar which contains the "Affiliate" text.
  23. var title = "Affiliates"; // The text to be displayed in the title bar of the affiliates script.
  24. var tabWidth = "92%"; // Width of the affiliates table.
  25. var highlightColor = "#777777"; // The color of the cell highlight.
  27. // Add affiliates. Repeat the line for each additional affiliate.
  30. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Digimon/untitled-1.gif","http://heartwrrr.proboards82.com" ,"Digimon Shadows");
  32. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Inuyasha%20Images/inuyashaye8.gif","http://dog1992.proboar ds20.com","Inuyasha World");
  34. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/PE%20%20Images/EmeraldPhoenxaffilaite.gif","http://www.phe [url]onixemerald.proboards83.com[/url]","Phoenix Emerald");
  36. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/53a8hox.gif","http://itchigobleach.proboards59.com","Bleac h: Legend Of The Shadow Hollow");
  38. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/FMA%20Images/FMAAJBanner.gif","http://www.fullmetalme.proboards49.com/index.cgi","fma aj");
  40. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Naruto/403747650_31078d9dbf.gif","http://rockleewashere.proboards58.com","Naruto; Demonic Illusions");
  42. Affiliate("http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Omega%20Blood%20Lust/omegabloodaffiliate.gif","http://omegavampire.proboards57.com","Omega Blood Lust");
  45. document.write("<script src='http://www.iycatacombs.com/codes/affiliatev1.js' type='text/Javascript'><"+"/scr"+"ipt>");
  46. </script>


ok i don't know how to explain this, ok i posted the link above to show what the affiliate code looks like to help better explain what i want. ok i'd like a code that does what that code does when you click on the sites affiliate..so thats where the link comes in so you can look at the site and click on the sites affiliate at the bottom and see what it does. well i'd like the popup thing to be just like that and contain the code for my sites affiliate..so i can add it into the affiliate are of the info center that i am still putting together. I don't want it to the the sites affiliate you have to click on though, i would like it to be text that says ( Click For Affiliate Code ) and i'd like for it to be able to be added directly into the Info Center code, or a call script for the text and stuff to show there and what not works too.

i'm sorry i cant be more descriptive and what not..

Edit: sorry, i posted that code because maybe it might be easier to just take the code fragments from it to make the code... and thanks a bunch to whom ever does it {Smile}

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By FreeUS (freeus) on 26th Feb 08 at 12:43pm
Can you be less descriptive? {Cheesy}
I don't get what you're asking.

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 26th Feb 08 at 9:01pm
From what I got out of reading your post, you already have an affiliate section in your site, and just want a code added to make your code popup?

  1. <script>
  2. function affPopup(){ prompt('','AFFILIATE CODE HERE'); }
  3. </script>
  4. <a href="javascript: affPopup();">Affiliate Code</a>

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:10pm
right Marc but the code don't work, it just shows the banners url, not the full affiliate code..

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By Michael (wrighty) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:13pm
You didn't enter the full affiliate code, that's why! {Smile}

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:16pm
ah wait ya i just noticed that, sorry my bad {Smile}

Edit: for some reason when i put the full affiliate code in it dont work:

  1. <script>
  2. function affPopup(){ prompt('','<a href='http://deluxeanimeforum.vforums.co.uk'><img src='http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Deluxeanime/affilate.gif' border='0' alt='Deluxe Anime Forum' title='Deluxe Anime Forum' /></a>'); }
  3. </script>
  4. <a href="javascript: affPopup();">Get Affiliate Code</a>

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:47pm
  1. <script>
  2. function affPopup(){ prompt("Press CTRL + C to copy.","<a href='http://deluxeanimeforum.vforums.co.uk'><img src='http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c51/dog199200/Deluxeanime/affilate.gif' border='0' alt='Deluxe Anime Forum' title='Deluxe Anime Forum' /></a>"); }
  3. </script>
  4. <a href="javascript: affPopup();">Get Affiliate Code</a>

Re: Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By dog199200 (dog199200) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:49pm
yay it works now ty

Re: [f] Popup with Affiliate Code - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 26th Feb 08 at 11:50pm
No problem. {Smile}