Right now this code is in my Affiliates board footer but its not workingi've also tried it like this http://support.virtualforums.cCode:
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- /* Predefined Posting Template/Form
- Created by Ross of vForums
- http://virtualforums.co.uk
- Please do not repost outside of
- vForums support without permission */
- var _title = 'New Code Request';
- var _description = 'Please ensure you have a read of the <a href="http://capecoral.vforums.co.uk/board/general/topic/3/action/view_topic/page/1/rules/">Rules</a> before posting. If you break the rules, your thread will be locked and moved to a hidden board for dead codes. You are free to repost your code if you don't break the rules again. Repeatedly breaking the rules will result in a warning.';
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- _fields[_f++] = new Array('textarea', '*[Description', ['cols', 40, 'rows', 10], '', 'A short description of either what the problem is or what you want your code to do. You should include as much information as possible, links to other forums/sites and anything else that may be useful.', true);
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o.uk/board/database/topic/25/a ction/view_topic/page/3/predef ined-posting-template-form/#re ply-34
without editing it still wouldn't work .
http://tropolis.virtualforums.co.uk/ <--- forum.
which board is it in?
He says it's in his Affliate Board footer.Maybe because it's in a sub board?
Try this:
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- /* Predefined Posting Template/Form
- Created by Ross of vForums
- http://virtualforums.co.uk
- Please do not repost outside of
- vForums support without permission */
- var _title = 'New Code Request';
- var _description = 'Please ensure you have a read of the <a href="http://capecoral.vforums.co.uk/board/general/topic/3/action/view_topic/page/1/rules/">Rules</a> before posting. If you break the rules, your thread will be locked and moved to a hidden board for dead codes. You are free to repost your code if you don\'t break the rules again. Repeatedly breaking the rules will result in a warning.';
- var _fields = new Array(); var _f = 0;
- _fields[_f++] = new Array('input', '*Code Type', ['size', 40, 'maxLength', 50], '', 'Type of Code/Code Name', true);
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- _fields[_f++] = new Array('input', 'Browser', ['size', 40, 'maxLength', 50], '', 'Browser that you use.', false);
- _fields[_f++] = new Array('textarea', '*[Description', ['cols', 40, 'rows', 10], '', 'A short description of either what the problem is or what you want your code to do. You should include as much information as possible, links to other forums/sites and anything else that may be useful.', true);
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- this.errors = new Array();
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Ok i've tried it Wrighty and it didn't work but i did try it in a board on the main page (not a sub-board) and it works perfectly . FreeUS is right for some reason it doesn't want to work in a sub-board. Right now the code is out .
Ok my Affiliate board is no longer an sub-board so the code will now work fine.
Can you please luck this thread and my other thread ( http://support.virtualforums.co.uk/board/coderequest/topic/9 562/action/view_topic/page/2/r oss-affiliate-posting-form-to- be-converted/#reply-17 )
Thank you Wrighty and FreeUS, Marc and Ross for the help .