vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Programming Discussion :: > Getting close...

Getting close... - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 25th Jan 11 at 9:23pm
Well I am getting close to getting my forum done to look like my site. But I seem to not be able to get it done correctly.

Have a look http://ihosting.co.cc -- > http://support.ihosting.co.cc

I need the menu buttons to be put inside the purple area with the lines, (like on the site) and I need to get the hover effect in it's place too. If I can just get these codes/images to work properly. The forum would be completely done, besides the link colors.

If anyone of you could help me out, that would be great. {Smile}

Also if this is in the wrong area, please move to the correct board. {Smile}

Re: Getting close... - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 26th Jan 11 at 12:34am
I only have a moment, so I can't look into your source to give specific code, but this pseudo-code should be what you need:

document.getElementById("NEW_MENU_ID").innerHTML = document.getElementById("menu_buttons").innerHTML;

If you need more specific code or I misunderstood the question, let me know and I'll have a closer look in a bit. {Smile}

Re: Getting close... - Posted By Nick (nickb) on 26th Jan 11 at 1:17am
I'm not quite sure where to put that. I need the menu icons moved into the area with the diagonal strips. {Smile}

To be a little more specific, I am also using the Border around forum code.