vForums Support > Programming & Coding :: Programming Discussion :: > Contact me Form

Contact me Form - Posted By Gerry (breathe) on 29th May 10 at 7:13pm
Querying this as not sure if I attempt placing code for same in the vforum it will upset the system.

I was thinking about using a Bravenet code but if vforums can suggest something that is simple and compatible that would be great.

Also to create a blank page in the forum with contact me forum on - what area is this done in please?

Plus to paste a link at the top of main page just under title or at the bottom of page to the Contact me Form page
(can this be done in header / footer?

Any suggestions or guidance how to would be great and much appreciated.

PS is there a vforums tutorial / how to somewhere - basics etc - or beginners, intermediate etc?

Looking forward to input {Grin}

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 31st May 10 at 12:58am
Hi there Gerry, welcome to vForums Support! {Smile}

I'm not sure how Bravenet's contact forms are setup, but assuming the form processing takes place on their servers, it should work fine on VF. As for creating a blank page on which to use it, there's no built-in way to do it. However, it could easily be done with a small JS snippet in your headers. You would simply need to check the location for "/contact/" (or wherever you want it located), and if it matches hide the page content and display the form. If you're not sure how to do that, let us know and we'll be happy to help you out. {Smile}

To display a link, you would simply put the HTML for it in your headers/footers.

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Gerry (breathe) on 31st May 10 at 1:22am
Thanks Marc will give it a go and get back to you if I have any difficulty - thank you {Grin}

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Gerry (breathe) on 31st May 10 at 2:23pm
Hi again Marc

I couldn't work out how to do the contact form in the vforums so have set up a website especially for posting the contact form and am intending to include a link in a new category on my vforum page - however not sure if this would be considered to be advertising as action goes through Bravenet site where advertising can be over the top - can I check with you if this will be acceptable under the TOS re:

Advertising is permitted only in your signature, or in the Directory. Any threads made promoting your forum or website will be locked. This includes referral links.

I would create a category and include the link on my vforums page - the link would be this:

Contact Form

If you use it you will see what I mean re the Bravenet advertising.

Hope I've explained ok

If its not ok - not sure how else I can go about it really.

Thanks for your advice - I will check back later.

Ps Not sure if I can find a way just through the viviti site - will check into that too

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 31st May 10 at 7:12pm
Hi Gerry,

The "Global Forum Rules" topic only applies to the Support Forum, not to the forums that you own. {Wink}

For the Terms of Service governing your own message board, see here - Section 3 is what relates to this topic...

Section 3 - Advertisements

All message boards are funded by adverts shown on user pages. In order to comply with the terms of the provider of said adverts, adverts must:
Not be tampered with
Be clearly visible when the page loads
Not be accompanied by your own paid advertisements

The only advertisements that you can't put on your message board are ones from which you receive payment. So in this case you're in the clear. {Smile}

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Gerry (breathe) on 31st May 10 at 11:51pm
Thanks Marc {Grin} - you've been very helpful {Wink}

Re: Contact me Form - Posted By Marc (cr0w) on 1st Jun 10 at 12:34am
Thanks Marc {Grin} - you've been very helpful {Wink}

No worries. {Smile}