A new set of features has just been released to all forums. These features concentrate on improving our templating system by allowing you direct access to edit the board and topic listings as well as being able to use different templates for each skin or each board. The new features can be found in the "Manage Templates" section of your admin panel.
In addition to this we've implemented a brand new reputation system to all forums. This system allows each user to have a % between -100 and 100 showing in their mini-profile which represents their reputation on the forum. The level of reputation you can give or take depends on your own level of reputation, and each time you use the reputation system you can give a reason to the user which shows up on their view profile page.
This system is fully AJAX based and fully templatable giving you the flexibility you need. And as shown in my mini-profile on here, you can have it display a ranking depending on the reputation level. If you're using a custom mini-profile layout then you may have to add something like this to it for the reputation to be displayed, if you need any help doing this then just pop over to the code support area
Code: HTML
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"><font size="2">Reputation: {reputation} </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2">
- <div style="clear: both;">
- {foreach:reputation}
- <div style="height: 8px; width: 8px; background-color: #009900; float: left; margin: 3px;"></div>
- {/foreach:reputation}
- {foreach:negative_reputation}
- <div style="height: 8px; width: 8px; background-color: #CC0000; float: left; margin: 3px;"></div>
- {/foreach:negative_reputation}
- <br style="clear: both;">
- </div>
- </td>
- <td align="center"><font size="1">{reputation_give}</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><font size="1">{reputation_take}</font></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
We hope you enjoy these new features
vForums Staff
Loving them Boss!
Especially the 'templates' time for some wacky things! ^_^
I really like the new templating system; saves quite a bit of tedious JS; especially the per-board templating skins, such as what's being used in the Bugs board here.
These has to be the most amazing features that has been implemented on vForums , thank you Ross .
I just wish i knew of to work the templating feature lol (in doing coding that is).
These has to be the most amazing features that has been implemented on vForums , thank you Ross .
I just wish i knew of to work the templating feature lol (in doing coding that is).
If you want a hand with it, jump into the coding board!
WOO, cool new template options, and Awesome for the Rep .
*innocent whistle* Any way to get 'sort by rep' in the member list?
*innocent whistle* Any way to get 'sort by rep' in the member list?
I was going to suggest that too!
And the permission to let ranks raise the rep of people unlimited times an hour? *hopeful*
hey umm, can i make suggestions for the template system here? if so can you add something that will allow you to seperate out category titles from the rest because if its done with how it is not, the titles such as Board, Last Post, Post, and Topic will show above every board instead of just the top one as you can see here: http://overobvious.vforums.co.uk/
you dont want this part:
<tr id="board_{board_id}">
<td class="window1 boardstatus" width="0%" align="center">
<td class="window2 boardlisting" width="62%" valign="top">
<center> Boards</center>
<td class="window2 lastpost" width="30%">
<center>Last Post</center>
<td class="window2" width="4%">
<td class="window2" width="4%">
in there, if you want that adding ,I suggest you request a code to do it! Go ahead and remove that and request a code!
The user rep. is great, Ross. Glad you decided to put it in
Ross you should add an option to add a gradient, taht way people can see the progress and stuff
You mean for the rep? That can be done through the template system!
i mena rep, but i couldnt figure out the fragment for it and i just realized this site had one...
I love it. It replaces the empty space.